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The relic of King Albert I of Belgium, bought at an auction by VTM journalist Reinout Goddyn: blood-stained tree leaves collected by people living near the forest at the foot of ...

Anonymous - Aug 03 2016
Blood of King Albert I identified after 80 years
The latest Research, Reviews, News and information about Geology / Earth Science from around the web. GEOLOGY INFO
The relic of King Albert I of Belgium, bought at an auction by VTM journalist Reinout Goddyn: blood-stained tree leaves collected by people living near the forest...
Traces of failed Super-eruption in the Andes
The latest Research, Reviews, News and information about Geology / Earth Science from around the web. GEOLOGY INFO
The Chao volcano in northern Chile with a lava coulée approx. 14.5 km long (centre of picture). The composition of the lava matches that of deposits of adjacent supervolcanic...
The search for the earthquake nucleus
The latest Research, Reviews, News and information about Geology / Earth Science from around the web. GEOLOGY INFO
Schematic diagram of a subduction zone with sediments structure. Credit: C. Kersten GEOMAR Where a tectonic plate dives under another, in the so-called subduction...
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